
    To start with, the word 'Psychology' originated from two Greek terms 'psyche' and 'logus.' The term psyche referred to MIND. Logus referred to STUDY OF. So psychology was initially defined as the study of mind. Typical questions raised were 'what are the functions of the human mind?'. 'Where does the mind come from and how does it relate to the body?' The term mind was interpreted differently by various psychologists and different methodologies were used to explore the nature and functions of the MIND. 

    Till 19th century, the study of mind belonged to philosophy and the study of body was considered to be an appropriate subject for psychology. Today, mind and body are no longer considered separable and there seems to be a reasonable degree of unanimity among psychologists about the definition of psychology. (Anita Kumar, 1998)

    From primitive people human beings have been curious about various aspects of the nature including themselves. Philosophers, and even ordinary men have been asking themselves why we behave the way we do and why others behave the way they do. Can we change it as per our wishes? The task is an especially complex one as human beings are more complex and multidimensional than any other creature on earth. We are basically biological beings, at the same time we are called to be social beings. Because of our rational and problem solving ability. 

    Hence, Psychology can be considered both an approach to gathering information about behaviour and a storehouse of knowledge uncovered by  research. 


Mr. Sunil

Psychological Counsellor, 

Pyschotherapist and Skill Trainer 
