விவாகரத்து ..... 10 couple Relationship and stages of marital conflicts

    Today there are many issues that we can read and watch through our social media about the couple and their relationship. It is a very difficult task to choose a partner for a better life. This particular element we can see in our own family. As a counselor and student, I have come across so many young couples applying for divorce and breaking up the relationship within a short period of time. Today the government also washed its hand by announcing extramarital affairs are allowed. Because of this, there is no real transparency among couples. Now many young couples are finding it very difficult to adjust with the other. So about this let me illustrate very briefly.   First, it is important to realize that couples therapy, marriage counseling, and marital therapy are all the same.  

These different names have been used to describe the same process, with the difference often based on which psychotherapy theory is favored by the psychologist using the term, or whether an insurance company requires a specific name for reimbursement. Couples therapy focuses on the problems existing in the relationship between two people. But, these relationship problems always involve individual symptoms and problems, as well as relationship conflicts. For example, if you are constantly arguing with your spouse, you will probably also be chronically anxious, angry, or depressed (or all three). Or, if you have difficulty in controlling your temper, you will have more arguments with your partner. That may be in the form of sexual expression, unsatisfactory marriage, money to be earned and be spent, division of labor with regard to household chores, religious beliefs and practices, use of leisure time and etc. 

In couples therapy, the psychologist will help you and your partner identify the conflict issues within your relationship, and will help you to decide what changes are needed, in the relationship and in the behavior of each partner, for both of you to feel satisfied with the relationship. Here as a Psychologist, I have given 10 couple Relationship and stages of marital conflicts (which is the reason to go for divorce. 

Sunil M.Sc.
Psychological Counsellor and Skill Trainer


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